How can I create an account?
In Web App
- Click "Sign Up" in right of the top page.
- The form for sign up is displayed at the right of the screen.
- Enter the required information (email address, password).
- Enter your own email address.
- Enter the password in 8-128 alphanumeric chacacters.
- Read the terms of service and check on "I agree the Terms of Service" if you agree it.
- Click "Sign Up" button.
- We send you the email from the domain of "".
- Access the URL written in email you receive to complete the account registration.
Note: Please don't forget to access the URL written in the email we sent. If you don't so within 1 week, your account will get the limitation for the use of services.
Note: If you can't receive the confirmation mail, check your settings of email software, and try to reset your password by clicking "Forgot Password?" in the top page.
What kind of characters can I use for the password?
The password must be as following.
- in 8-128 characters
- included 3 or more different characters
You can use the alphanumeric and some sign characters as following.
(Alphabet Lowercase)A-Z
(Alphabet Uppercase)- Space
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Forgot the password
- Click "Forgot Password?" in the Sign-in view.
- The input field is displayed. Enter your email address you registered.
- We send you an email.
- Access the URL written in the email you receive. The input form to reset the password is displayed.
- Enter new password and click "Send" button.
- If changed successfully, go back to top page and sign in by new password.
Can't receive email
Check the following points.
- Check spam folder
- Blocked by a spam filter? (We send the email from the domain of "")
- Is your mail address correct?
Can't sign in
- Check the email and password you entered is correct. And also check whether you have not turned on the CapsLock key.
- Click "Forgot password?" to reset password.
What is "Remember me"?
In usually if you close the web browser, your session will be finished and you will sign out.
If you signed in the service with checking "Remember me",
your session will be kept active though you close the web browser.
If you don't sign out, the session will be kept active for a certain period of time.
So you don't have to enter the email and password at each time you open the web browser.
When you use the service on the shared computer, sign in the service with checking off "Remember me".
How to delete my account
You can do this operation only in web app.
- Click "Account Settings" in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Click "Delete Account" in the bottom right of the setting dialog.
- The password field is displayed. Enter your password and click the "OK".
- Your account will be deleted.
Note: If you delete account, all your data will be deleted completely. You can not revert this operation.
How to change the email address
You can do this operation only in web app.
- Click "Account Settings" in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Change "Email".
- The password field is displayed above the "Save" button. Enter your password.
- Click the "Save" button.
Note: Please enter the email address which can receive the email from the domain of "".
How to change the password
You can do this operation only in web app.
- Click "Account Settings" in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Click "Change Password".
- The input field is displayed. Enter new password.
- The password field is displayed above the "Save" button. Enter your old password.
- Click the "Save" button.
Does anyone see my memo?
No, no one can see other's memo. The memo is completely private data.
Also no one can not search your data on the internet.
Is there a limit to the amount of upload?
There are no limits with text data.
In the case of file data, there is the monthly limitation to upload.
The limitation is different in your subscribing plan.
You can see the current amount of upload by following steps.
- Click "Account Settings" in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
- See "Current Monthly Uploads".
Note: When the amount of upload is less than limitaion, it will not be carried forward to the following month.
What is "Limit Reset Date"?
It is the day when the amount of upload is reset. The date is different for each user because it will update monthly from the date the account created.
You can see the next reseting date.
- Click "Account Settings" in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
- See "Limit Reset Date".
If I delete the memo data, does the capacity of upload increase?
No. You can not increase the capacity of upload if you deleted the data.