colocolomemo / Find Memo

Find the memo


Search Commands

Entering some keywords in the search box, you can search the memo with the keywords.
When you enter the space-separated words like [ curry spicy ], you can search the memos contains them all.

If you want to search the word contains space characters, enter the words with " ... " like [ "la la means" ].

When you search the memo with the tags, enter the keyword like [ tag:TAGNAME ]. For example, when you search the memo with the "shop" tag, enter [ tag:shop ].
Entering [ tag:shop curry spicy ], you can get the memos with "shop" tag and contains text of "curry" and "spicy".

There are other search commands like [ tag: ] as follows.

Command Meaning Example Negative OR
title:[text] Search the text in memo title title:Diary yes yes
content:[text] Search the text in memo content content:Chocolate yes yes
titleOrContent:[text] Search the text in memo title or content titleOrContent:Saturn yes yes
tag:[text] Search the tag added to the memo tag:shop yes yes
fileType:[text] Search the filetype of file blocks fileType:pdf
(Search for the memos attached with PDF file)
yes yes
star:[text] Specify the value of star
[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3]: Specify star
[+]: Star is between 1 and 3
[-]: Star is between -3 and -1
[*]: Star is not 0
[0+]: Star is between 0 and 3
[0-]: Star is between -3 and 0
(Search for the memo with 2 starred)
yes yes
folder:[text] Specify the name of folder folder:Travel
(Search for the memo in the folder "Travel")
yes yes
hasTag:[true/false] Specify whether some tags added or else hasTag:false
(Search for the memo without any tags)
no no
hasText:[true/false] Specify whether there are some text blocks or not hasText:true
(Search for the memos with some text blocks)
no no
hasFile:[true/false] Specify whether there are some file blocks or not hasFile:true
(Search for the memos with some file blocks)
no no
hasChecklist:[true/false] Specify whether there are some checklist blocks or not hasChecklist:true
(Search for the memos with some checklist blocks)
no no
completed:[true/false] Specify whether there are some checklist blocks has items checked all complete:true
(Search for the memos with some checklist blocks has items checked all)
no no
minimized:[true/false] Specify whether the memo is mimized minimized:false
(Excludes the minimized memos from the search result)
no no
date:[yyyy/MM/dd] Specify the date of the memo. Use the date format [yyyy/MM/dd]. Each field is optional like "/07/". date:2012/07/31
(Search for the memos of 31-Jul-2012)
(Search for the memos of 31-Jul in any years)
yes yes
year:[year] Specify the year of the memo year:2012 yes yes
month:[month] Specify the month of the memo (1~12) month:7 yes yes
dayOfMonth:[day] Specify the day of the memo (1~31) dayOfMonth:20 yes yes
via:[text] Specify the application you used to create the memo via:android yes yes

When you enter only keywords without any commands like [ curry spicy ], it means the same as [ titleOrContent:curry titleOrContent:spicy ].

If you want to search for the memos which is not matched for the conditions, for example, to search for the memos without the "diary" tags, enter the search command with "-" like [ -tag:diary ].
You can use "-" on the commands which has "yes" in the "Negative" column in the above table.

If you want to search with OR conditions, for example, to search for the memos with "tokyo" tag or "paris" tag, enter the search command with "( A | B )" like [ tag:(tokyo|paris) ].
You can use OR condition on the commands which has "yes" in the "OR" column in the above table.

You can use OR condition for each commands, but you can not use OR condition for between commands like "tag:shop OR star:1".

You can use negative condition and OR condition together like [ -content:(sweet|spicy|delicious) ]. In this case, you will get the memos without the words of "sweet" or "spicy" or "delicious".
