colocolomemo / News / News (6 to 10)

Release Notes: Android: 2.0.2

We have released colocolomemo for Android 2.0.2.


  • Fixed: The issues about the order of memos
  • Fixed: Some bug/design fixes

Check the updates from Google Play.

Google Play

Release Notes: iOS: 2.0.1

We have released colocolomemo for iOS 2.0.1.


  • Fixed: Some bug/design fixes

Check the updates from App Store.

Release Notes: Started the paid plan in mobile apps

Now you can purchase paid plan in Android and iOS apps of colocolomemo.
On Android the payment will be charged with your Google Account. On iOS the payment will be charged with your iTunes Account.

You can also purchase the paid plan subscription with credit card on the web application other than the mobile application.

See the details of paid plan in following page.

About Plans

The new version code of Android and iOS app is 2.0.0. Check the updates from Play Store and App Store.

Google Play


colocolomemo for Android 2.0.0:

  • New: In-app paid plan subscription
  • Changed: Supporting OS version to Android 4.1 or later
  • Fixed: Some bug/design fixes

colocolomemo for iOS 2.0.0:

  • New: In-app paid plan subscription
  • Fixed: iOS 12 support
  • Fixed: Some bug/design fixes

Started the paid plan

We had provided only free plan until now, but now we are ready to provide the paid plans.
So see the following list of plans.

Nasu Taka Fuji
Max Memo Size 100,000 300,000 500,000
Max Folder Size 1,000 1,500 2,000
Max Tag Size 1,000 1,500 2,000
Max Monthly File Uploads 60MB 120MB 180MB
Price (JPY) ¥0 ¥480 / Month ¥960 / Month
¥4,800 / Year ¥9,600 / Year

We added the two paid plans, "Taka" and "Fuji".
We renamed the previous free plan to "Nasu" (means "Eggplant" in Japanese). So from now you are eggplant. Hello, eggplant people.

We designed the service to be able to use in free plan for almost users.
But if you like colocolomemo, please consider upgrading to paid plan.
We will use your payments to continue and improve the service.

At present you can change the plan only in web app and you need the credit card to pay.
Your credit card information is dealt by only payment service provider "PAY.JP". It is a reliable provider who has a proven track record in Japan.
Your credit card informations are not sent or stored on our server.

In near days the monthly payment in Android / iOS apps with Google or iTunes account will be available.
If you wish this payment method, please wait.

See the following page for the informations of payment method, renewal, cancellation and more.

About Plan

Changed the spec

We changed the spec as following.

  • The limitation of monthly uploads (60MB in free plan) is applied to only file data

It is not applied to creating or editing text section and checklist section.
